How to Use a Dart Sharpener-benefits and methods

Darts is a popular game that involves throwing small pointed objects at a circular target, called a dartboard. However, over time, the points on the darts can become dull, which affects their ability to stick to the dartboard. This is where a dart sharpener comes in handy. A dart sharpener is a tool used to sharpen the points of darts, thereby improving their accuracy and performance. In this article, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to use a dart sharpener to keep your darts sharp and accurate.

What is a Dart Sharpener

A dart sharpener is a small tool used to sharpen the points of darts. Darts is a popular game where players throw small, pointed objects at a circular target called a dartboard. Over time, the points on the darts can become dull due to use or wear and tear, affecting their accuracy and performance. A dart sharpener helps to sharpen the points of darts, making them more effective at sticking to the dartboard.

Dart sharpeners are typically made of metal or plastic and are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. They have a small hole in the centre where you insert the point of the dart. The sharpener contains a sharpening mechanism that works by grinding away any dullness or damage to the point of the dart. To use a dart sharpener, you simply insert the point of the dart into the hole in the centre of the sharpener and twist the dart back and forth to sharpen the point.

Having sharp darts is crucial for any serious dart player, as it can mean the difference between hitting your target or missing it entirely. A dull or damaged point can cause the dart to bounce off the board or fail to stick, resulting in lost points or missed opportunities. Using a dart sharpener regularly can help ensure that your darts are always sharp and ready for play.

Materials Needed

  • A dart sharpener
  • Darts that need sharpening

How to Use a Dart Sharpener

Remove the flights from the dart

Flights are the wings on a dart that help to stabilize it in flight. Removing them allows you to sharpen the point without damaging the flights.

Insert the point of the dart into the sharpener

The sharpener will have a small hole that fits the point of the dart. Insert the point of the dart into the hole, making sure it is centred.

Twist the dart to sharpen the point

Hold the dart by the flight end and use your other hand to twist the dart back and forth in the sharpener. The sharpening mechanism inside the sharpener will sharpen the point of the dart as you twist it.

Test the sharpness of the dart

After sharpening the point of the dart, test its sharpness by touching it to a hard surface or dartboard. If it sticks easily, it is sharp enough. If it bounces off or fails to stick, it needs further sharpening.

Benefits of a Dart Sharpener

A dart sharpener is a small but important tool that offers several benefits for dart players. Here are some of the key benefits of using a dart sharpener:

Benefits of a Dart Sharpener

Improved accuracy

One of the primary benefits of using a dart sharpener is that it improves the accuracy of your throws. When the point of a dart is dull, it’s less likely to stick to the dartboard and more likely to bounce off or miss the target altogether. By sharpening the point of the dart, you can improve its ability to penetrate the board, making it easier to hit your targets.

Better performance

In addition to improving accuracy, a sharp dart point also improves overall performance. A sharp point allows the dart to stick more easily to the board, reducing the likelihood of bounce-outs and improving your chances of scoring more points.

Longer lifespan

Sharpening your darts regularly can help prolong their lifespan. A dull point can cause the dart to bend or break, reducing its longevity. By keeping the point sharp, you can help prevent damage to the dart and extend its lifespan.


A dart sharpener is an inexpensive tool that offers significant benefits for dart players. By sharpening your darts, you can help ensure that you don’t have to replace them as often, saving you money in the long run.


Using a dart sharpener is a quick and convenient process. It can be done at home or at the dartboard, and only takes a few seconds per dart. This makes it easy to keep your darts sharp and ready for play, without having to spend a lot of time or effort.

Types of Dart Sharpeners

It’s important to choose the type of dart sharpener that is best suited for your needs and experience level. Beginners may prefer a sharpening stone or sandpaper, while more experienced players may opt for an electronic sharpener or diamond sharpener for quicker and more precise sharpening. Whichever type of sharpener you choose, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging your darts.

Type of Dart SharpenerFeaturesBenefits
Sharpening stoneFlat stone with coarse and fine grit sidesMaintains sharpness and improves grip on the dartboard
SandpaperSheets of abrasive paperCheaper and more accessible alternative to a sharpening stone
Electronic sharpenerA battery-powered device with a motorized grinding wheelQuick and easy sharpening, can handle large volumes of darts
Sharpening waxSpecialized wax applied to dart tipsA small, handheld tool with rough surface
Dart point fileA small, handheld tool with a rough surfaceProvides precision sharpening, easy to use on-the-go
Diamond sharpenerUses diamond particles to sharpen tipsHigh-end option for efficient and effective sharpening

Tips for Getting Most of the Benefits From Your Dart Sharpener

If you’re a dart player who wants to get the most out of your dart sharpener, here are some tips to keep in mind

Sharpen your darts regularly: To get the most benefit from your dart sharpener, it’s important to use it regularly. The more often you sharpen your darts, the sharper and more accurate they’ll be.

Use the correct technique: To sharpen your darts effectively, it’s important to use the correct technique. Insert the point of the dart into the hole in the centre of the sharpener, then twist the dart back and forth while applying gentle pressure. Be sure to sharpen both sides of the point evenly.

Check the sharpness: After sharpening your darts, it’s a good idea to check their sharpness by testing them on the dartboard. If they’re sticking more easily and accurately, then you know they’re sharp enough. If not, you may need to sharpen them a bit more.

Clean the sharpener: Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in your dart sharpener, which can affect its effectiveness. To keep it working well, be sure to clean it regularly by wiping it down with a clean, dry cloth.

Replace when necessary: If your dart sharpener becomes worn or damaged, it may not work as effectively. If you notice that it’s not sharpening your darts as well as it used to, it may be time to replace it with a new one.

How Do You Sharpen a Dart With a Stone?

Sharpening a dart with a stone is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes. Here are the steps to follow:

How Do You Sharpen a Dart With a Stone?

Choose the right stone

There are several types of stones that can be used for sharpening darts, including oil stones, water stones, and diamond stones. Choose a stone that’s appropriate for your darts and that you feel comfortable using.

Prepare the stone

Before you begin sharpening your darts, you’ll need to prepare the stone. This typically involves soaking it in water or oil, depending on the type of stone you’re using.

Hold the dart

To sharpen the dart, hold it firmly near the barrel, with the point facing down.

Angle the dart

Place the point of the dart against the stone at a slight angle, with the bevelled edge facing down.

Begin sharpening

Apply gentle pressure and move the dart in a circular motion against the stone. Be sure to maintain the same angle throughout the sharpening process.

Check the sharpness

After a few passes, check the sharpness of the dart by running your finger lightly along the point. If it feels sharp and pointed, then it’s ready to use. If not, continue sharpening until you achieve the desired sharpness.

Sharpen the other side

Once one side is sharpened, turn the dart over and repeat the process on the other side.

Clean the dart

After sharpening, wipe the dart clean with a dry cloth to remove any debris or residue.

What Happens When Your Darts Are Too Sharp

When your darts are too sharp, it can cause several problems that can affect your game. Here are some of the most common issues that can arise from using darts that are too sharp:


Darts that are too sharp can sometimes bounce out of the dartboard instead of sticking in the board. This is because the sharp point can sometimes pierce the board too deeply, causing the dart to rebound off the surface.

Damage to the dartboard

Darts that are too sharp can also cause damage to the dartboard over time. This is because the sharp point can create larger holes in the board, which can cause the fibres to loosen and fray.

Difficulty removing darts

Darts that are too sharp can be difficult to remove from the dartboard. This is because the sharp point can create a tight seal in the hole, making it hard to pull the dart out.


Darts that are too sharp can also affect your accuracy. This is because the sharp point can cause the dart to wobble or veer off course when thrown, leading to a less precise shot.

How much does a dart sharpener cost?

How much does a dart sharpener cost?

The cost of a dart sharpener can vary depending on the type and brand. Manual sharpeners, such as sharpening stones or sandpaper, can cost as little as a few dollars, while electronic sharpeners can cost upwards of $100 or more.

On average, a manual dart sharpener can cost anywhere from $5 to $20, while an electronic sharpener can range from $50 to $150 or more. The price may also vary based on the quality of the sharpener and any additional features it may have.

It’s important to choose a dart sharpener that fits your needs and budget, but also provides good value for money. Investing in a high-quality sharpener can help you get the most out of your darts and improve your overall game performance.

Do all dart boards come with a sharpener?

No, not all dart boards come with a sharpener. In fact, most dart boards do not come with a sharpener included. Dart sharpeners are typically sold separately and can be purchased from sporting goods stores, online retailers, or dart supply companies.

It’s important to note that not all dartboards require sharpened darts. Electronic dartboards, for example, use soft-tipped darts that do not need to be sharpened. However, traditional bristle dartboards require steel-tipped darts, which may require occasional sharpening to ensure that they stick properly in the board.

If you’re unsure whether your darts need sharpening, you can try throwing them at the board and see how well they stick. If you notice that the darts are bouncing out or not sticking as well as they used to, it may be time to sharpen them. A dart sharpener can help you maintain the sharpness of your darts and ensure that you get the most out of your dart-playing experience.

Related Faqs

It depends on how often you play and the type of dartboard you’re using. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to sharpen your darts every few weeks or whenever you notice that they’re not sticking in the board as well as they used to.

No, you should not use a sharpening stone on plastic-tipped darts. These darts are designed to be used with electronic dartboards and do not have a metal point that can be sharpened. Instead, you should replace the plastic tips when they become worn or damaged.

yes, using a dart sharpener is safe as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take the necessary precautions. This includes wearing gloves and eye protection when using certain types of sharpeners and making sure that the sharpener is securely attached to a stable surface.

Yes, you can sharpen your darts using a sharpening stone, sandpaper, or a nail file. However, using a dart sharpener is usually faster and more efficient.

Yes, you can sharpen your darts too much, which can make them too sharp and cause problems like bounce-outs or damage to the dartboard. It’s important to find the right balance between sharpness and bluntness to ensure that your darts stick in the board without causing damage.

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