How To Clean Your Darts and remove rust from darts

Are you a dartboard user looking for tips on how to clean your darts and remove rust? From selecting the right darts to cleaning your darts, and getting more out of each round, this guide looks at all aspects of dart maintenance. Discover easy ways to ensure your darts won’t wear down too quickly, reduce their lifespan, or give you an inaccurate result when scoring. With this advice, it will not only help you save money but also help improve accuracy and consistency which are essential elements in competitive play.

Why Clean Your Darts?

Cleaning your darts isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s a fundamental aspect of maintaining their performance. The build-up of dirt, grime, and residue from the oils on your fingers can gradually compromise the aerodynamics and balance of your darts. A well-maintained set of darts ensures consistent flights and accuracy, giving you the edge when it matters most.

The Anatomy of a Dart

Before we dive into the cleaning rituals, let’s familiarize ourselves with the anatomy of a dart. A standard dart consists of three main parts: the point, the barrel, and the flight. Each component plays a crucial role in the dart’s performance, and therefore, requires specific attention during the cleaning process.

1. The Point: The Piercing Edge

The point is the sharp end of the dart that pierces the dartboard. Over time, it can accumulate dirt and damage, affecting its ability to grip the board effectively. Cleaning the point not only ensures a clean entry into the board but also extends the lifespan of your dart.

2. The Barrel: The Heart of the Dart

The barrel is the central section where you grip the dart. Often made of materials like tungsten or brass, the barrel is susceptible to dirt and residue from your hands. Regular cleaning not only maintains the aesthetic appeal but also preserves the grip, allowing for a more controlled throw.

3. The Flight: Navigating the Skies

The flight, the fin-like structure at the back of the dart, plays a crucial role in its stability during flight. Accumulated dirt on the flight can disrupt its aerodynamics, leading to unpredictable trajectories. Cleaning the flight ensures a smooth, consistent flight path.

The Cleaning Arsenal

Now that we understand why cleaning is crucial, let’s assemble our cleaning arsenal. You don’t need a fancy toolkit; a few simple items from around the house will do the trick:

  • Soft Cloth or Microfiber Towel: Ideal for wiping away surface dirt without scratching the delicate surfaces of your darts.
  • Rubbing Alcohol or Dart Cleaner: A gentle solvent to dissolve stubborn grime and eliminate any oily residues.
  • Old Toothbrush: Perfect for reaching into the grooves and crevices of the dart barrel.
  • Container of Water: For rinsing off cleaning solutions and keeping your darts fresh.

Methods of cleaning your darts and removing rust

Warm Soapy Water

This is the most common method of cleaning your darts. Simply use a soft cloth, warm water, and mild soap to wipe away any dirt or debris on the darts. For a deeper clean you can use an old toothbrush to scrub off stubborn material. Make sure you rinse the darts off with clean water afterwards and dry them off before using them again.

Warm Soapy Water

Mild Bleach

This method works best on brass or tungsten darts. The bleach should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before being used to wipe down the darts. Be sure to rinse the darts off with clean water afterward and dry them off before using. This method should only be used as a last resort due to its potential to corrode the darts.

Mild Bleach


Vinegar can be used to remove dirt and grime from your darts. Simply dampen a cloth with vinegar and wipe down the darts to remove any build-up. Be sure to rinse the darts off with clean water afterward and dry them off before using them again.

Nail Varnish Remover

This method is best used for removing excess paint or markings from the darts. Dip a cotton swab in the remover and carefully wipe down the darts. Be sure to rinse off any residue of nail varnish remover with clean water afterward and dry the darts off before using them.

Nail Varnish Remover


This method may seem strange but it can be used to remove dirt and debris from your darts. Simply place the dart in a container filled with Coke and leave it to soak for 15 minutes before wiping off any dirt or grime. Be sure to rinse the darts off with clean water afterward and dry them off before using them again.

cleaning with coke

Ultrasonic Cleaner

Ultrasonic cleaners are the most effective way of cleaning your darts. These machines use high-frequency sound waves to create tiny bubbles that agitate and remove dirt and grime from the darts. This method is also ideal for removing paint or markings from the darts.

Jewelry Cleaning Solutions

Jewelry cleaning solutions can also be used to clean your darts. Simply mix the solution with warm water according to the instructions and submerge the darts in the solution for 10 minutes. Be sure to rinse off any residue of the jewelry cleaning solution with clean water afterward and dry them off before using them again.

Soap And Water

This is the simplest method of cleaning your darts. Simply use a soft cloth, warm water, and mild soap to wipe away any dirt or debris on the darts. Be sure to rinse the darts off with clean water afterward and dry them off before using them again. This method should be used regularly to help maintain the appearance and quality of your darts.

Which Liquid is best for Cleans Darts

  • Warm Soapy Water
  • Mild Bleach
  • Vinegar
  • Nail Varnish Remover
  • Coke
  • Ultrasonic Cleaner
  • Jewelry Cleaning Solutions
  • Soap And Water

How Often Should You Clean Your Darts

The frequency of cleaning your darts will depend on how often you play and the conditions in which you are playing. If you are playing regularly, and in damp or dusty conditions, it is recommended to clean your darts at least once a week. If you are playing less frequently, then cleaning your darts once a month should be sufficient. It is also important to clean your darts before and after playing as this will help ensure that dirt, sweat, and oils from your hands do not accumulate on the darts.

How To Prevent Your Darts From Getting Dirty

1. Clean Hands, Clean Darts

The simplest and most effective preventive measure begins with the player – you. Make it a habit to wash your hands thoroughly before each dart session. Oils, dirt, and residues on your fingers can transfer to the dart, contributing to grime buildup. By starting with clean hands, you significantly reduce the chances of dirt accumulating on your darts.

2. Dart Mat Magic

Invest in a dart mat. A good-quality dart mat not only provides a designated throwing area but also helps keep your darts cleaner. The mat serves as a barrier between your darts and the ground, minimizing exposure to dust and dirt. Plus, it adds a professional touch to your dart setup.

3. Opt for Clean Surfaces

Selecting an appropriate surface for your dartboard can contribute to keeping your darts pristine. Avoid placing the board in areas with high dust or dirt levels. A clean, well-ventilated space minimizes the environmental factors that can lead to dirt buildup on your darts.

4. Flight Protectors

Consider using flight protectors, small accessories that shield the flights of your darts. Flight protectors act as a barrier, preventing direct contact between the flights and any surfaces that might introduce dirt. They are easy to attach and can significantly extend the life of your flights.

5. Store Smartly

How and where you store your darts matters. When not in use, keep your darts in a protective case or wallet. This shields them from dust and potential damage. Additionally, storing your darts upright rather than lying flat reduces the surface area exposed to any dust or debris on the storage surface.

6. Regular Checkups

Frequent inspections of your dartboard and surrounding areas can help you identify potential sources of dirt. Check for accumulated dust on the dartboard, surrounding walls, and even the floor. A quick wipe-down of these surfaces with a clean, dry cloth can make a substantial difference in keeping your darts clean.

7. Optimal Dartboard Maintenance

Maintain your dartboard properly. Regularly rotate the board to distribute wear evenly, preventing the concentration of dirt in one area. Clean the dartboard surface with a dry or slightly damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt that may have settled.

8. Cleaning Routines

Incorporate a light cleaning routine into your post-game rituals. After each session, take a moment to wipe down your darts with a dry, clean cloth. This quick step helps remove any surface dirt and ensures your darts are ready for action the next time you step up to the oche.

9. Protective Coatings

Explore the option of adding a protective coating to your darts. Some dart players use products like silicone-based coatings that create a barrier, making it more difficult for dirt to adhere to the dart’s surface. However, it’s essential to choose coatings that won’t compromise the grip or balance of your darts.

10. Mind the Surroundings

Be mindful of your darting environment. If you’re playing outdoors or in a garage, where dust and dirt are more prevalent, take extra precautions. Consider setting up a temporary barrier, like a curtain or screen, to shield your playing area from external elements.

Do You Need To Polish Your Darts For That Perfect Shine?

The Allure of a Polished Dart

Picture this: You’re stepping up to the oche for a crucial match. As you reach for your darts, there’s a gleam in your eye – and on your darts. A polished set of darts doesn’t just catch the light; it adds a touch of sophistication to your game. The allure of a shiny dart extends beyond functionality; it’s about making a statement, showcasing pride in your equipment.

The Practical Benefits

While the shine is undeniably appealing, the practical benefits of polishing your darts shouldn’t be overlooked. Polishing helps remove accumulated dirt, grime, and oxidation that can naturally occur over time, particularly if your darts are made of materials like brass. This cleaning process not only enhances the visual appeal but can also contribute to maintaining the overall performance of your darts.

When to Polish Your Darts

The frequency of polishing depends on various factors, including how often you play, the materials of your darts, and personal preference. If you’re a frequent player, it’s advisable to incorporate a regular cleaning and polishing routine into your dart maintenance. This not only keeps your darts looking sharp but also ensures that they perform at their best during crucial moments on the oche.

Materials Matter: Brass, Tungsten, and More

The material of your darts plays a significant role in whether polishing is necessary. Brass, a common material for darts, is more prone to oxidation, and regular polishing can prevent the dulling effect. Tungsten, on the other hand, is known for its durability and resistance to tarnishing, making it less demanding in terms of polishing. Knowing the composition of your darts can guide you in determining the polishing routine that best suits your needs.

How to Polish Your Darts

Polishing your darts doesn’t require an elaborate process. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

  • Soft, clean cloth or microfiber towel
  • Metal polish (specifically formulated for your dart materials)
  • Q-tips or a soft brush
  • Warm water

2. Cleaning the Surface:

  • Use warm water and a mild soap to clean your darts. This removes any surface dirt and prepares them for polishing.

3. Applying Metal Polish:

  • Apply a small amount of metal polish to a clean, soft cloth or directly onto the dart surface.

4. Polishing:

  • Gently rub the polish onto the dart, focusing on any tarnished or dull areas. Use circular motions for even coverage.

5. Detail Work:

  • For intricate areas or grooves, use Q-tips or a soft brush to ensure thorough polishing.

6. Removing Residue:

  • Wipe away any excess polish with a clean part of the cloth, ensuring a residue-free finish.

7. Final Inspection:

  • Examine your darts for any remaining spots or areas that need attention. Repeat the process if necessary.

Balancing Act: Shiny vs. Grip

While a polished surface adds a lustrous appeal, it’s essential to strike a balance. Some players prefer a slightly more textured surface for better grip during throws. If you fall into this category, consider a light polish that maintains the shine while preserving the natural grip of your darts.

Problems That May Arise When Cleaning Your Darts

When cleaning your darts, it is important to use the right products and techniques to avoid any damage that could occur. Using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials may cause your darts to become scratched or discoloured. Additionally, submerging the darts in water for too long can damage the flights or cause the metal to rust if not dried thoroughly.

It is also important to be careful when cleaning metal darts, as you may accidentally bend or deform the metal if you are too rough. Make sure to use a soft cloth and non-abrasive cleaning products to help avoid any damage to the darts.


Clean your darts regularly can help to ensure that they remain in good condition and perform to their full potential. It is important to use the right products and techniques to avoid any damage that could occur. Cleaning your darts at least once a week or monthly, depending on how often you play, is recommended to help keep them looking like new. Storing them in a protective case or cover when not in use is another great way to ensure that your darts remain clean and dust-free. Finally, polishing your darts can help them to look like new ones and keep their original shine for longer. I hope you understand how to clean your darts

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